Revolutionize Your Online Assets & Skyrocket Your Revenue Potential

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Learn to Create a Revenue-Generating Powerhouse

Welcome to the future of online entrepreneurship! Introducing Authority Amplifier Pro: The Hybrid Authority Site Blueprint - your ultimate roadmap to building versatile, high-impact authority sites. This comprehensive course is your key to unlocking a world where your websites do more than just exist - they dominate!

Build and scale sites with the potential for six to seven-figure payouts in the lucrative site-flipping market.

Why Authority Amplifier Pro?

Our meticulously crafted blueprint isn’t just a course; it’s a revolution in digital marketing. With Authority Amplifier Pro, you'll transform standard websites into multifaceted tools capable of generating income from diverse streams like affiliate marketing, display ads, lead generation, directory management, guest posting, and much more.

Whether you're an agency owner, affiliate marketer, or a display ad site enthusiast, this blueprint is your strategic ally in the digital realm.

Who is the Course for?

This course is designed for those who aspire to redefine the boundaries of their digital ventures. Agency owners will find new ways to boost their service offerings and client results. Affiliate marketers and AdSense site owners will learn to diversify and amplify their revenue streams. Those interested in site flipping will acquire the knowledge to build valuable, marketable digital assets. Join a community of like-minded professionals for collaboration and support. 

Authority Multipliers

Our blueprint transcends conventional digital strategies. With Authority Amplifier Pro, we equip you to harness the full potential of your online presence, transforming standard websites into dynamic, income-generating assets. Our course isn't just about building websites; it's about creating digital legacies. Learn how to construct multifunctional authority sites that serve as powerful tools for income generation, client success, and personal financial growth.

The Blueprint

Build all-in-one authority sites, niche sites, and copy/paste branded networks.

Catalyst Content

The secret sauce for content that Google loves including 100% unique data studies.


Make money with directories, guest posts, display ads, affiliate reviews, and more.

Directory Method

Leverage directory listings for instant traffic, monetization, and expert content.

Google News Approval

Google News approval for expanded reach, authority, and improved content indexing.

Expert Contributors

Leverage industry experts for free backlinks, social signals, and press mentions.

Course Modules

Module 1: Instructor Introduction & Course Overview

This introductory module provides a personal insight into Brian's background, highlighting his expertise and experience in the field of digital marketing. It offers an overview of the course, outlining the objectives, structure, and the valuable skills and knowledge that participants will acquire. The module sets the stage for the comprehensive learning journey ahead, ensuring that students understand the scope and potential impact of the course on their professional development.

Module 2: The Authority Amplifier Blueprint

In this module, students delve into the core of the Authority Amplifier model, a revolutionary approach to building and scaling authority sites. The module covers strategic planning and execution techniques, emphasizing the versatility of these sites for various income streams including affiliate marketing, advertising, and lead generation. This blueprint serves as the foundation for the entire course, offering a detailed guide to creating impactful online presences.

Module 3: Internal Knowledge Graph Presentation

The focus of this module is on the creation and utilization of internal knowledge graphs to enhance site authority and user experience. Students will learn the technical aspects of integrating these graphs into their websites and the practical benefits they offer in terms of SEO and user engagement. The module includes real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the effective application of knowledge graphs.

Module 4: Catalyst Content Types & AI Prompts

This module introduces students to the concept of catalyst content and the use of AI prompts in content creation. It explores various types of content that have a significant impact on audience engagement and site authority. The module also covers how AI can be leveraged to generate innovative and compelling content, thereby amplifying the site's reach and influence.

Module 5: Author Personas & E.E.A.T. Methods

Creating effective author personas is essential for establishing credibility and authenticity online. This module guides students through the process of developing these personas and employing EEAT (Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) methods. It also explores the use of platforms like Amazon Ebooks and Google Scholar for content enhancement and authority building.

Module 6: Google News Approval & Required Policy Templates

Navigating the Google News approval process is a crucial skill for any digital marketer. This module provides in-depth knowledge about the approval process, including the necessary policy templates and best practices for maintaining approval status. It is designed to help students enhance their sites' visibility and credibility through Google News.

Module 7: HARO Approval Process & Strategies

This module covers the Help a Reporter Out (HARO) approval process and how to effectively use HARO for site promotion. It also explores alternative sources for gaining similar benefits. Students will learn how to utilize these platforms for generating backlinks, improving SEO, and gaining media exposure.

Module 8: Twitter (X) for Press Mention Generation

Utilizing Twitter and other platforms for press mention generation is an essential skill in digital marketing. This module teaches strategies for networking with journalists and influencers and crafting effective pitches. It emphasizes the importance of social media engagement in building site authority and brand recognition.

Module 9: Facebook & Reddit Polls Strategies

Leveraging polls on platforms like Facebook and Reddit offers valuable engagement and data collection opportunities. This module guides students through the process of creating effective polls, analyzing the data for content creation, and interacting with online communities to enhance site visibility and user engagement.

Module 10: Directory Setup, Data Scraping & Monetization

This module provides a comprehensive guide to setting up online directories, effective data scraping techniques, and strategies for directory monetization. It covers various aspects of directory creation, maintenance, and leveraging them as income sources. We also have a unique spin on leveraging directories as content and expert contributor resources.

Module 11: Niche Site Setup

Focusing on niche markets, this module teaches students how to identify profitable niches and tailor content accordingly. It covers the essentials of SEO and marketing tactics specific to niche sites, helping students build successful, targeted online platforms.

Module 12: Topical Authority Site Setup

Building sites with a focus on topical authority is the core of this module. Students will learn content strategies and SEO techniques for establishing and maintaining topical relevance. The module includes case studies of successful topical authority sites to provide practical insights.

Module 13: Branded News Network Setup

Establishing a branded news network is a powerful strategy for authority building. This module covers the steps involved in setting up and managing a news network, including content creation, curation, monetization, and brand-building strategies.

Module 14: PBN Network Setup

Private Blog Networks (PBNs) can be a valuable asset in SEO. This module provides an overview of PBN setup and maintenance, focusing on risk assessment, mitigation strategies, and the effective use of PBNs for SEO enhancement.

Module 15: Guest Post Network Setup & Monetization

Creating a guest post network offers significant opportunities for content dissemination and site promotion. This module guides students through setting up and monetizing such a network, building relationships with content creators, and leveraging guest posting for site growth.

Module 16: Display Ad Network Setup & Monetization

This module is dedicated to setting up and optimizing networks of display ad income producing sites. It covers strategies for maximizing ad revenue and best practices for balancing user experience with effective ad placement.

Module 17: Affiliate Site Setup & Monetization

Affiliate marketing is a key area of focus in this module. Students will learn techniques for building profitable affiliate sites, optimizing for conversions, and strategies for driving traffic and sales.

Module 18: Pay-Per-Call Setup & Monetization

Pay-per-call marketing is an often-overlooked revenue stream. This module introduces students to the basics of setting up pay-per-call campaigns, tracking results, and optimizing for maximum revenue.

Module 19: Creating Instant Niche Authority for Lead Generation

This module focuses on strategies for quickly establishing authority in a niche market. It covers leveraging this authority for lead generation and provides case studies demonstrating rapid authority building. This is a goldmine for agencies looking for a reliable client closing method.

Module 20: Leveraging Power of Referrals for Lead Generation

The final module explores the techniques for developing and leveraging a strong referral network. It covers strategies for encouraging and rewarding referrals and maintaining a growing source of referral-based leads. This works for high-end and low-end lead generation.

Ready To Amplify Your Authority?

Join us in the Authority Amplifier Pro private Facebook Group and start your journey towards becoming a digital authority.


About Brian

Meet Brian Winum, a seasoned digital marketing pro with over two decades of in-the-trenches experience in the industry. As a partner at MAXBURST Web Design and MAXPlaces Marketing, Brian has carved out a niche in transforming digital landscapes. His journey in digital marketing spans over 20 years, during which he has honed a deep understanding of web design, SEO, and online marketing strategies. Brian's approach blends innovative techniques with practical insights, a skillset he passionately imparts to both industry vets and aspiring marketers via Authority Amplifier Pro.

Every Question Matters

We've covered everything to ensure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision about joining this transformative digital marketing journey. Whether you're curious about the course's applicability to your career or need specifics about the learning process, find your answers here.

What is Authority Amplifier Pro and who is it for?

Authority Amplifier Pro is a comprehensive digital marketing course designed for anyone looking to build and monetize authority sites. It's ideal for digital marketers, agency owners, affiliate marketers, and anyone interested in leveraging online platforms for business growth.

How is this course different from other digital marketing courses?

Unlike standard courses, Authority Amplifier Pro focuses on a hybrid model that combines various revenue streams. It emphasizes practical, real-world applications and provides unique insights into building, scaling, and monetizing authority sites. You'll also have access to a private Facebook group and community of peers and experts.

What will I learn in the Authority Amplifier Pro course?

Participants will learn to build versatile authority sites, create impactful content, implement effective SEO strategies, navigate approval processes for platforms like Google News and HARO, and explore various monetization methods.

Do I need prior experience in digital marketing to enroll?

Some basic understanding of digital marketing is helpful as is Wordpress experience. The course is designed to be accessible to beginners while still offering advanced insights for more experienced marketers.

How long does the course take to complete?

The course is self-paced, but most participants can have their first site up and running in a matter of weeks, depending on their commitment and prior knowledge.

What are the technical requirements to take this course?

Participants need a stable internet connection and a computer capable of streaming video content. No specific software is required.

Is there any post-course support or community access?

Yes, participants will have access to an exclusive community Facebook Group for ongoing support and networking opportunities with peers and industry experts. Frequent Q&A sessions are planned along with special guest speaker appearances.

How is the course content delivered?

The course materials are accessible via a Private Facebook Group. The materials include a mix of video lectures, guest appearances, case studies, and downloadable resources, providing a dynamic and engaging learning experience.

What is the course fee and are there any payment plans available?

The course fee is normally a $1,000 one-time payment for lifetime access. For a limited time, we're offering monthly subscription packages at $99.00 per month with no long-term commitments.

How can I access the course content? Is it available on mobile devices?

The course content is accessible via our private Facebook Group, which is compatible with all major browsers and mobile devices, allowing for learning on-the-go. The course includes periodic Q&A sessions with the instructor and opportunities for peer discussion and collaboration in our group. 

How frequently is the course content updated?

The course content is reviewed and updated regularly to ensure it reflects the latest trends and best practices in digital marketing.